News Alert RE: Proposed Arts Funding Cuts & Elimination of NEA

Statement from Amber Sharples, Executive Director, Oklahoma Arts Council

Oklahoma City, Okla., USA–“On March 16, the White House released its budget proposal for fiscal year 2018, calling for reductions to a range of government programs and the elimination of federal support for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.   
“In light of the president’s proposal, it is important to remember that Congress ultimately decides how to allocate federal funds. The proposal is the beginning of a conversation, one in which Oklahomans can actively participate.
“As a state agency, the Oklahoma Arts Council does not design or coordinate advocacy efforts. However, part of our mandate is to educate Oklahomans about the impact of the arts in communities and schools across our state. So, as always, we invite you to use us as a resource for information, and allow us to serve you as a connector.
“Should you be interested in advocacy efforts at the state and national level, we suggest you connect with our friends at Oklahomans for the Arts and Americans for the Arts.
Further, we invite you to embrace this moment as an opportunity: to express your passion for the arts, articulate the impact the arts have had on your life and in your community, and actively engage in this process by which our nation proclaims its values and vision.
“In the meantime, we will be here, as we have been for more than 50 years, working to ensure that all Oklahomans can experience the benefits of the arts and arts education. 
Thank you for all you do to serve your community through the arts.”

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